I have now come up with a list of things that I don't like. Excuse me while I rant and rave. It's therapeutic for me.
-A midterm on the day that Nisha goes home to Germany.
-Minus 35 degrees celsius with a windchill of minus 45.
-Sold out custom courseware.
-Having to go to the library in the medical sciences complex in -45 degree weather.
-How out-of-province student loans are mailed to your school but have to be signed by your parents, in another province.
-Wisdom teeth.
-Wisdom teeth operations during reading week that cut off snowboarding time.
-Having to pay at least a few hundred dollars out of student loans to actually get your wisdom teeth out, and then being expected to have to take 5 days off and have someone "to take care of you" the entire day after. Why do I have to pay for pain? Somehow this is simply not fair.
-People that don't show up to buy your ugly old textbooks.
-People that don't want to buy your ugly old textbooks.
-People that have already sold their ugly old textbooks when really they should have saved them for you. Because I show up to buy other's ugly old textbooks.
-Textbooks that cost $175. <-- This is just sick.
-Rude, obnoxious, and mean people. Some people are thoughtless jerks... Ahh.. I have to learn how to just breathe and let it go. In and out. In and out.
-Finding out that you don't have the right attachment to your bike pump after letting all the air out of the tires. Walking to cycle shop with bike pump to find the right attachment, only to come home and realize you forgot the bike pump at the shop. Walk back to the cycle shop only to find it closed 10 minutes before. Walk home. Walk bike to 6 different gas stations until finding one about 30 blocks away from home that finally has a hose AND air. While figuring out how to use the attachment, fall in a nice big puddle. And finally, cycling home from somewhere on East Whyte ave past midnight on a school night.
-A migraine all day, with a brief interlude in which you decide to donate blood (bad idea) and then the nurse pokes into your arm in the same spot 4 times with that big huge needle only to realize that you have DEEP veins so she has to go a bit further down. Then having your entire arm sore from the shoulder down, like someone's been hitting it with a giant monkey wrench for hours on end. Then biking home with a throbbing head and slowly decreasing vision in the freezing cold with only one working arm. I feel less than pleasant right now. Annoy me and I'll chew you to bits. Actually, just come close and I'll chew you to bits. Think sesame-seed sized.
-Wisdom teeth surgeries costing $2000 with an $800 reimbursement. Thanks blue cross. You're fantastic.
-Handing in a volunteer application to be a MUG leader and then getting a nice big stamp on it saying "REJECTED". Never been rejected as a volunteer before. I'm not sure how to take it, but by the time I figure it out, I'm sure I'll be well over it. It's okay. I blame the system. But I would have been an awesome MUG leader, they really don't know what they're missing. Mwa haha, they will pay.... when all the first year undergrads flock to me instead of them because of my undying coolness in a mascott outfit.
-Rude athletes that spit booze on your shoes and threaten to pour alcohol on your face. Yes, that's right. Trash.
-A theology paper due on Tuesday that I don't want to finish and I really don't care about, but will end up writing anyways. Blech.
-FIVE FINALS... three in two days... and a need to get a 3.5 GPA this term. AHHHHHH!!!! If I could get a 3.5 in a single course, that would be a start... I hate the system. I could have easily gotten into kinese from high school, how come they never let people transfer into anything?
-Getting low marks for final grades after a torturous session of finals. Was it really worth it after all? Sigh.
-Student loans maxing out for the year. Leaving me with no money for living expenses. *sigh* Have to figure out something there. Most likely, all will turn out all right. But until then, have to scrimp and save once again.
The pain in the arm works 2 ways. like the pain of getting hit by the monkey wrench, and the pain of hitting someone with a giant monkey wrench for hours on end.
Ian, at 10:51 PM
Huh, I never thought of that. Poor person having to use a monkey wrench for such an extended period of time... I think maybe I should suffer this sort of torment just so that I can be more understanding of arm-hitting monkey wrench owners everywhere. Have an extra arm around, Ian? It's for a good cause.
Jeanine, at 10:47 PM
what was that part about u getting rejected for being a MUGs leader? so did u get accepted in the end or something?
Anonymous, at 9:35 PM
qao kkosi ti a lli me volish ti meni aj sam ot pz pa ti okudes ti ja bi voljo da doje kut te be valla iuzi adresu mumu
Anonymous, at 12:25 AM
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